As the new President of the PeMSAA-UK, I welcome all our members, alumni and well-wishers of the Faculty of Medicine, Peradeniya. I am looking forward to working with the dynamic Committee I have to help the students of the Faculty. When I entered the Second Medical School, Peradeniya as it was known then, it was a mere collection of temporary buildings. This was in stark contrast to the majestic buildings of the Faculties of Science and Arts. But the calibre of the teachers was outstanding and excellent and innovative teaching was the result. It is very gratifying to see how the Faculty has developed with permanent buildings now and the achievements of the alumni.
As the President, I intend to continue with the projects already initiated. These are: The PEMSAA academic awards for the undergraduates and the postgraduates; Awarding of scholarships and bursaries; Provision of the Journal of International Medicine and Surgery; Mentoring support to the alumni arriving in the UK.
President - PeMSAA-UK (1963 Batch)