Peradeniya Medical School Alumni association United Kingdom
Donations to PeMSAA-UK

PeMSAA-UK wouls appreciate any donation from our well-wishers who would like to contribute towards the valuable projects that we are undertaking for our alma mater, the Faculty of medicine, University of Peradeniya. Our Activities are aimed at the betterment of the academic and social welfare of the Faculty and its students and they are described elsewhere in the website.

If you would like to contribute towards any project, please let us know your wishes by emailing If you like to contribute towards Updating the Peradeniya Medical Library, you can write to us indicating the book that you want to purchase and the amount you wish to donate. You can either transfer the money to PeMSAA-UK in £ or directly to Peradeniya PeMSAA account in Sri Lankan Rupees (LKR). The Peradeniya PeMSAA has agreed to purchase the books on our behalf and hand over to the medical library.

The Bank Account details for online money transfer and setting up Standing Order are:

PeMSAA-UK account:

Bank Sort Code: 20-45-45
Account Number: 60275476
Name of Account: PeMSAA-UK

PeMSAA Peradeniya account:

Please click here for making a donation.