Welcome to PeMSAA-UK

Welcome to our official PeMSAA UK website!
PeMSAA UK is the UK branch of The Peradeniya Medical Students Alumni Association. This is a charitable, non- political organisation which values equality and diversity without any religious affiliations. Our endeavour is to foster and promote welfare of the Peradeniya Medical Faculty by sharing knowledge, skills and sponsor its activities.

In accordance with our Vision & Mission we endeavour to bring together all the Alumni in the UK who are interested in the welfare of the Peradeniya Medical School to assist our Alma Mater

The PeMSAA-UK & Prof. Jayasena Student Bursary and the Pharmacology Award 2024

We are delighted to announce the offer of two awards in memory of late Prof Jayasena who served the faculty as a Professor of Pharmacology. The Bursary and the Award are to be given to two deserving medical students, The Bursary will be 6000 rupees per month for a period of 60 months for a student with limited means and this will be awarded every 5 years. The Pharmacology Award will be 20,000 rupees, accompanied by a Medal/Certificate, given to a student who has displayed outstanding academic performance in Pharmacology at the 3rd MBBS examination. This will be awarded annually. Please see the link for further details.

PeMSAA-UK - Gunarathne Research Grant 2024

The PeMSAA-UK Research Grant endeavours to cultivate and bolster research initiatives within the medical student community. Tailored to facilitate proof-of-concept studies, this grant serves as a crucial precursor for future major clinical investigations. Accessible to all medical students enrolled in the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Peradeniya, the grant offers a maximum funding of £250 per selected applicant or group.

Download Guidelines
Apply Online

Notice Board & Recent Events

Annual General Meeting 2025 & Fellowship

We extend our sincere gratitude to Dr. Muditha Samaranayake for graciously hosting us and providing such wonderful hospitality. We also warmly welcome Dr. Sethsiri Wijeratne to our committee.


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PeMSAA-UK Undergraduate Winners 2024

Congratulations to the PeMSAA-UK undergraduate winners! We're incredibly proud to see these two outstanding projects ! Thank you to the Peradeniya Medical School Alumni Association (PeMSAA) & Dean Faculty of Medicine @saman Nanayakkara for supporting to celebrate their achievements!


Best regards,
President of PeMSAA-UK

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Charity Walk & Summer Gala at Peak District 2024

The Hike and Gala event, organized by PeMSAA-UK in Derby, took place on the 20th of July at the picturesque Peak District. This event was a remarkable success, attracting more than 80 alumni and friends who came together to support a worthy cause. Through their collective efforts and generosity, the event managed to raise over £1,500. These funds will be dedicated to enhancing medical education at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Peradeniya. The day was filled with camaraderie, stunning natural scenery, and a shared commitment to giving back, making it a truly memorable occasion for all who participated.


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"Intelligent Design as Proof of Creation"

We are delighted to announce the publication of a remarkable book titled “Intelligent Design as proof of creation & authored by our esteemed PeMSAA-UK committee member, Dr. Uditha Jayatunga. This venture marks his first foray into the world of authorship.

In this book, Dr. Jayatunga delves into the extensive subject of Intelligent Design, exploring the scientific aspects that span from the vast expanse of the universe to the intricate complexities of life, including cells and DNA. He argues convincingly that the origin of life, the intricacies of cellular structures, the unparalleled information system encoded in DNA, and the flawless systems exhibited across all forms of life can only be attributed to a high-level intelligence.

uditha book

We wholeheartedly congratulate Dr. Jayatunga on this remarkable achievement and commend his dedication to elucidating such a thought-provoking topic.

For those interested, the online version of the book will be available for purchase on Amazon starting from the 13th of October. We encourage you to explore this enlightening read and engage in the insights it offers.

Best regards,
President of PeMSAA-UK


Honorary degree recipients for 2023 announced

Eight widely-esteemed individuals including our Alumni Professor Malik Peiris received honorary degrees from Oxford University at the annual Encaenia ceremony on Wednesday 21 June 2023. The distinguished roster of honorands for 2023 is intended to exemplify excellence across diverse fields.

Professor Malik Peiris SBS FRS FRCP FRCPath FFPH a distinguished virologist based at the School of Public Health, University of Hong Kong, received an honorary degree in recognition of his pivotal role in identifying the novel coronavirus responsible for the 2003 SARS outbreak. His research has contributed significantly to understanding and combating emerging viral diseases.

honorary degree recipients2023



International Academic Conference 2023

Save the date: 11th November 2023. Full programme & registration details will be published here soon

pemsaa uk conference 2023

Charity Walk & Summer Gala – 20th of July 2024

Epping Forest Walk

Our Avenues of Service to the Faculty

Scholarships and Bursaries

Scholarships and Bursaries

We have set up a fund to offer Scholarships & Bursaries to disadvantaged students when they enter the Medical faculty to support their living & education. In addition, we annually provide Littmann Stethoscope prizes for students who excel in their 2nd MBBS examination. A substantial amount of contribution towards this fund was received from Prof Panabokke charity

Post Graduate Trainees Mentoring Scheme

Post Graduate Trainees Mentoring Scheme

PeMSAA-UK offers initial support by the way of advice and mentoring for any PeMSAA member who come to United Kingdome to work. It could be for Postgraduate Institute of Medicine (PGIM) members or doctors who come to work via Professional and Linguistic Assessments Board (PLAB) route. We aim to provide Initial advice and guidance on career development, how to improve the networking with likeminded personal, offer pastoral role, mentoring during their stay in UK and enrolling them as associate members of PeMSAA-UK.

We are  pleased to have received an excellent feedback from the previous PGIM trainees  and very much keen to continue this initiative

Please contact info@pemsaa.uk for further details.

PeMSAA-UK Research Award

PeMSAA-UK Research Award

PeMSAA-UK encourages the undergraduates and post- graduates of our alma mater to develop expertise in research and publications by recognising the best research, audit or quality Improve projects undertaken by them. Two awards are presented every year, one to Undergraduates and the other for the graduates. Please see the below link as how to apply and for further details

Sharing Knowledge and Expertise

Sharing Knowledge and Expertise

PeMSAA – UK has commenced a programme to share our expertise with the Peradeniya Medical School , postgraduates , undergraduates and fellow colleagues in Peradeniya and Kandy. We hope to inform PeMSAA every 3 months of pending visits by our members so that if they are interested in any relevant the topics, they may invite the alumni to give lectures at Peradeniya or Kandy. The first lecture on the above program was delivered by Dr. Ashan Gunarathne on the 19th of December 2019 on Emerging Therapeutic Interventions and Novel Management Strategies in Cardiovascular Diseases. This was organised in collaboration with the Kandy Society of Medicine (KSM) and catered to postgraduate trainees, general physicians, and cardiologists. The lecture was well attended, and the feedback was satisfactory

Book Donation Scheme

Book Donation Scheme

PemSAA-UK has been donating book and journals to the Peradeniya Medical Faculty at the request of the Library over the last few years. In addition, we subscribe for few International journals. In the recent past we have donated iPads for needy students. We hope to continue and expand this service to e-Jornals and e-books in the near future

Career Guidance

Career Guidance

PeMSAA-UK keen to offer career guidance to any Alumni who plan to work in the UK. The first seminar for post graduate trainees was carried out in 2019 by Dr. Krish T Radhakrishnan. The presentation was aimed to benefit the visitors to plan, support and better their experience during their stay in Western countries. The discussion covered pre-visit planning, cultural competencies, communication skills, motivation, resilience, leadership development, clinical governance, infection control, mandatory online training, reflective learning/ writing, horizon scanning for opportunities. A webinar was carried out for the final year medical students by Dr Ashan Gunarathne in 2020 focussing entry requirements, PLAB and higher education opportunities in the UK. The feedback was encouraging, and an annual delivery was requested by the participants. We hope to continue this program in the coming years

Peradeniya Medical School Offers Medical Electives in Sri Lanka

Medical school at University of Peradeniya is one of the oldest medical schools located in the most picturesque Peradeniya University Campus, in Kandy, the 2nd largest city of Sri Lanka the “gem” in the Indian Ocean. University Peradeniya is at the Pinnacle of Higher Education in Sri Lanka Achieving International Recognition, listed by the Times Higher Education World University Rankings for the year 2020.

Medical School Peradeniya has a long tradition accommodating elective students from all over the world is now ready to continue in the post COVID era. Please browse the Flyer for the variety of programmes available.

Available Courses
Anaesthesiology, Intensive care & Emergency medicine Community medicine Forensic medicine
Full body dissection Haematology Infectious diseases and Tropical medicine
Obstetrics & Neonatology Nephrology Radiology
Respiratory medicine Surgery  

Sri Lanka is a popular tourist destination offering beautiful beaches and most exciting and fascinating places to visit. The package could be an experience enriching your knowledge and skills in tropical medicine and health care provided in a developing country combined with tranquil and magical holiday of your lifetime.

Please do not hesitate to email udithajayatunga@ntlworld.com for further chat and guidance.

President's Message

I feel a great sense of privilege to be elected as the PeMSAA-UK’s third president to serve this prestigious organisation for the next three years. I was fortunate to have received a free education from Sri Lanka, in particular, free medical education and training, hence I am in debt to our motherland and the University of Peradeniya. This is one of the main reasons, that I joined PeMSAA-UK, so I could utilise this distinguished institution as a platform whereby I can give something back to Sri Lanka.
I’m confident and determined, that I can continue to deliver the splendid work initiated by my predecessors. In alignment with the PemSAA-UK constitution and policies, my vision is to foster and promote the welfare of the Peradeniya Medical Faculty by providing financial aid, supporting academic and research activities and also by sharing professional expertise. [ READ MORE ]
PeMSAA Flyer 2023

Join hands with US

Our career success in the UK has been built on a solid free medical education from Sri Lanka, it is time to give something back to our alma mater

  • Use our social events to reconnect with your batch mates
  • Help us to raise funds to support students and the faculty
  • Give your expertise back to the faculty and students
  • To build friendships and connect with UK PeMSAA family

Want to help your Alma mater?

We appreciate any donation from our well-wishers who would like to contribute towards the valuable projects that we are undertaking for our alma mater, the Faculty of medicine, University of Peradeniya. Our activities aimed at the betterment of the academic and social welfare of the Faculty

Event Calendar

February 2025
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3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26 27 28

Upcoming Events

No events
Germany 60.7% Germany
Unknown 21.5% Unknown
United States of America 5.9% United States of America
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 4.8% United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Sri Lanka 3.3% Sri Lanka



Today: 2
This Week: 2
This Month: 4,090


logoPeMSAA-UK is a nonprofit organisation based in the United Kingdom established by the alumni of the Peradeniya Medical School, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka.

By using this website, you agree to abide our Terms and Conditions and our Privacy Policy.

Contact Us

City Campus
Hucknall Road
United Kingdom
+44 1159 691169